Multi-Signature Transfer


For this section, you may refer to General Transfer



if (window.tronLink.ready) {
  const tronweb = tronLink.tronWeb;
  const toAddress = "TRKb2nAnCBfwxnLxgoKJro6VbyA6QmsuXq";
  const activePermissionId = 2;
  const tx = await tronweb.transactionBuilder.sendTrx(
    toAddress, 10,
    { permissionId: activePermissionId}
  ); // step 1
  try {
    const signedTx = await tronweb.trx.multiSign(tx, undefined, activePermissionId); // step 2
    await tronweb.trx.sendRawTransaction(signedTx); // step 3
  } catch (e) {}

If the user chooses “Reject” in the pop-up window, an exception will be thrown, which the developer can catch for further processing. If the user chooses “Sign” in the pop-up window, the DApp receives and broadcasts the signed transaction.

Last updated